Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you and your spouse share your money?

How do you and your spouse share your money?

Do you put all your money in a joint checking account and are allowed a certain amount a week for yourselves..(like $100 a week a piece?)

Do you guys have complete separate money..if so how do you pay the bills 50/50

or do you put a certain amount a piece in your joint checking like $300 a piece than keep out the rest?

I was just curious how everyone did their income??How do you and your spouse share your money?
We have a joint account for savings and checking. Since I am a full-time homemaker and do not work outside the home, I do not contribute to this account monetarily. However, I am in charge of paying all the bills (he oversights occasionally), I do most of the grocery shopping (he goes occasionally and we buy things he wants to get), and we both are very frugal with what we spend.

We began to use a credit card for all expenditures (groceries, gas, eating out, clothing, etc) about 4 years ago as we belong to a rewards system with our card that is issued through Sears (Mastercard). We pay the balance off EVERY month and do not pay interest. We make about $700 or more in ';free'; money every year doing this. I cash in my points for gift cards that are good at Kmart or Sears. I am able to buy many things we want/need with this system. The last time I cashed in I received $350 in gift cards. Not bad for just using my card! Of course, the important thing here is you MUST pay the balance off on time every month or it is not worth it!

Years ago, when we first got married, I didn't even get $20.00 a month as we were too broke! I babysat and used my earnings for groceries. I had a few bucks occasionally to go yardsaling or to eat out (once a month, maybe!), but we were truly broke and had to watch every dime.

We aren't broke anymore, but we still live very frugally. I would never dream of blowing $100-$300 a week! That does not fit in with our values or lifestyle. What would I need that I would have to spend that kind of money? Now, if I want ot buy new clothes because I need them, then yes, I can spend what I need. But to just blow a pile of money on non-essentials? No, we neither one do this.

I eat out a few times a month, buy what I want when I want, and always buy on sale~no matter what it is. When things I will need go on sale, I buy in bulk so I won't have to pay full price.

My brother recently passed away and I received a few hundred dollars which I spent on things I've been wanting that I could not justify buying. Since I was not expecting this money ($600), I gave $100 to an aunt to help her with her house taxes ( a gift from me, she never asked for it), and spent the rest in Amish country at Lehman's Country Store, out to eat with my folks and aunt (my treat!), and at a cheese factory (I bought for all of us!). So I got what I wanted and shared it to boot. I got a lot of satisfaction sharing!

My husband and I both try to save for the future. He trusts me and I trust him. If I want something that is quite expensive, I ask, we discuss it, and sometimes he'll tell me no, but usually he allows me to have what I want because this is not an all the time thing.

One day when I return to work, I'll tithe out of my pay, help out my aunt (she is always broke, but not because of irresposnisbility!), and help pay off any bills we have (house, cars, etc).

If I want to go to the nursery and buy flowers, I buy them. If I need to buy a shower gift, I buy it. If I want to stock up on groceries and spend more than I usually do, I can. I have a lot of freedom, but I do not take advantage of this freedom by just blowing what my husband has entrusted to me. He works very hard at his job for this money. I work hard at home for this money. And we work together to make a family and run our household so we have a large level of trust. If my husband could not trust me and I just blew through our money like a drunken sailor, he would quickly pull in the reins and take away my access to a credit card or our bank account. Not because he would be mean, but because he is the head of our home and is responsible for what happens. We cannot lose our home or not pay our bills because I went on a spending spree. He also does not go on sprees, but if he wants something, he puts a bit aside until he has saved for what he wants (like he wanted special lights for his truck and a bug guard).

My husband is generous and we have lived like this for a little over 26 years~both trying for the same goal~financial freedom (no bills). So we work as a team, and we have trust and confidence in one another. He works hard outside the home; I work hard inside the home. Teamwork.How do you and your spouse share your money?
Me and my husband share our money. We feel like it is both our money. He doesn't have to ask me to spend any and I don't have to ask him to spend anything. Unless it is big ticket items then we consult one another. But we don't even give ourselves an ';allowance'; a week. I feel like that could be just a big waste of our money that could be spent elsewhere. If we see something we want, and we have the money and all the bills are paid, then we buy it!
We have a joint account and pay all our bills from it, nearly all using online billpay. It works great. The only thing with this situation is that both people must be completely honest or you will overdraw. For instance, if your husband forgets to pay a big bill for a couple of months and then pays it all in one big hunk and doesn't tell you, that's a problem. (Yeah. It's happened.) Overall, though, I like this plan because we both know what's going on with our finances and can discuss it together. Anytime we are making a (non-routine) purchase over $50 or so we talk it over with the other person, especially if it's during a lull between paychecks.
We have a joint account and use the money as necessary to pay all our bills and such.. we don't divide the money and say well your paycheck was only this much so thats all you can use.. whats there is there for either of us to use..
I give her money every week for gas and groceries.

I pay all the bills. She doesn't work.

She gets a little spending money if she's been a good girl.
what's mine is mine, and what's his is all mine.
What's hers is hers and what's mine is... hers.

Wait a minute...
separate accounts and yes pay bills 50/50.
I've been married for 11 years and in that time, I have never seen cash. I forget what it looks like.

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