Friday, August 20, 2010

How can I find out if I am legally divorced since my spouse disappeared years ago?

No online searchHow can I find out if I am legally divorced since my spouse disappeared years ago?
IF you have just some idea of where he may have ';landed';, call the court house in that county or any county where you feel he could have gone, %26amp; just ask for divorce information. They w/connect you to the proper people who w/tell you they do have a record of your divorce. Find out the cost of a ';raised seal' copy, send them the ck. %26amp; they w/forward you all the paper work you'd need. This is what I did, %26amp; I got it. BUT, you have to KNOW the county where he would have';filed for it';. Best to you...:)How can I find out if I am legally divorced since my spouse disappeared years ago?
All states require the person filing to serve their spouse with divorce papers. If you have not received divorce papers its not likely your spouse filed.

However, since he/she disappeared they could've filed a missing spouse divorce which only requires placing notice in the newspaper. Divorce documents are a matter of public record, go to the courthouse and request a search - they'll tell you if a divorce has been filed.
If you are in the UK you will not be divorced unless you have received the legal papers. Generally they would have been served on you.

You could potentially file for a divorce on the grounds of either ';desertion'; i.e. your spouse has left you for the requisite time period (and that you did not provoke this desertion) and you cannot locate them or under ';five years seperation'; (if it has been five years that you have been living together as man and wife. This may negate the need for consent like the ';two years seperation'; grounds). It depends on how long your spouse has been gone for, the reason why and your circumstance prior to the spouse going away. These grounds have certain requirements and to find out if you qualify or if there is a better ground, speak to a qualified legal advisor. You might have to show the court (solicitor will advise you) that you have tried to locate them (serve papers on their last known address, work place or family/friends) etc.

To find out if your spouse has divorced you - it is unlikely unless you have been untracable (your partner would usually have to show they have gone some lengths to locate you, the spouse who has left) but if you suspect that there has been a divorce then you should contact your local county court who could find out or tell you the best place to look (possible local the Prinicpal Registry - i.e. it might be in Holborn, London if you live in the London area). There should be documents somewhere if you have been divorced. It might be best to speak to someone qualified as they could give you more accurate right appropriate to all your circumstances.

Hope this helps. Good luck
Disappeared? Did they just up and leave? Did you notify the courts or file any papers at the time? If not then you are still married in the courts eyes. You would need to go down and file. You will need to put an ad in the newspaper for like 4 weeks stating what you intend to do (divorce) and if anyone objects. This is a standard procedure. It will probably cost you anywhere from 500-1000 just depends to get it all done. If they are a missing person then it might be easier but you are kind of vague so I am not sure if they are missing or just left the marriage.
Divorce only happens through a court proceeding. If you didn't go to court and get a final decision from a judge, then you are still married, legally. You may go to court and file for divorce on the grounds of abandonment. Your best bet would be to contact your friendly neighborhood attorney for more info on how your state might handle this situation.
try the clerk of courts in your area.they can do the rsearch for you

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