I usually cross-dress one to two times a year and it last 2 to 3 weeks and some of the time I go all out from head to toe then I go out shopping. I love it. thank youHow do I get my spouse to accept my cross-dressing MtoF I love her to much to leave.?
Communicate and compromise.
You need to communicate to her your needs and desires. You need to communicate with her and let her know what it means to you to cross-dress. to let her know that the crossdressing doesn't change the person that you are and the man that she married. You are still the same man. You are just seeking to share this aspect of your life with her or at least to get her to accept it.
You will also need to let her know that you aren't only focused on the dressing (as your question seems to selfishly indicate). Take some time to know here needs and desires. encourage her to make them a reality.
Remember though that communicating is not just speaking, you have to listen to her to. She will have concerns and questions.
She will wonder about your sexuality. Do you understand it?
She will wonder about her own sexuality. (if you are dressed en femme and she is with you does that make her a lesbian?)
She will be concerned about public exposure and possible humiliation or embarrassment.
All this needs to be addressed. You need to be willing to compromise with here as to when you might dress and where. She needs to understand that it is a part of you.
I also highly recommend reading the book: My Husband Betty by Helen Boyd. It is written from the female partner's perspective and is a good analysis of what the female could be thinking.
Also let her know that there are others out there and groups and organizations that can help her if she has any questions.
I will also be happy to answer any questions she might have or that you find difficult to answer.
kHow do I get my spouse to accept my cross-dressing MtoF I love her to much to leave.?
Unfortunately you may not be able to get her to accept that you're a cross-dresser. If this was not something that was shared with her prior to you marrying her then she may not accept it. She may look at it as you being gay or whatever. You need to try and talk to her and see if she will understand that this is a part of you. Even though in the eyes of society, you'd be looked at as a freak, weird and perhaps gay just explain to her that you're not. Explain to her why you do it and how you feel when you're doing it. She may be able to understand if you explain it to her that way.
Explain to her that it's not a constant desire, but a occasional place you like to visit.
Be sure to include her. Make it a shared, lighthearted, fun experience.
%26amp; depending on how excepting she is. As you can tell from some of the answers not all women can deal with it. It really depends on how sexually open the two of you with each other to begin with.
I can tell you it can work out fine.
Good Luck
It would have been nice if you disclosed this to your wife *prior* to marrying her. Instead of expecting her to accept your deviant behavior, you should seek out therapy.
If you truly loved her then you wouldn't cross dress. I would leave my husband if he were a cross dresser. Maybe you need therapy.
that shouldn't be a problem, sounds darn sexy too!
did she know about it before you got married?
oh my GOD gross, where im from youd be shot
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