Thursday, July 29, 2010

How is your parenting style different than your spouse's parenting style?

Oops! I deleted the first question by accident!

I am doing research on different parenting styles between mothers and fathers. I would appreciate any feedback.How is your parenting style different than your spouse's parenting style?
My husband is a totalitatrian (although he thinks differently), but only with our son. He has set ideas about everything from sports involvement to haircuts to physical affection. He's a pushover with our daughter, and is afraid to set any limits, or stick to any sort of punishment when it comes to her.

For the record, our son is a well-behaved, respectful, kind, intelligent child who does extremely well in school. Our daughter (the baby), is almost three years old - she is a sweet, intelligent little girl with an iron will and a profoundly spoiled streak.

I am a disciplinarian, but I strongly believe in explanations and negotiations with my kids. On one hand, I am the comforter, the fixer, the soother, while on the other hand, i also have to handle all the discipline and tantrums from our daughter. My son is old enough to talk things out, and I make a point of helping him understand the reasons behind any ';No'; or a punishment, while remaining firm in the limits that I set. My daughter is really a little young yet for any kind of reasonable explanations, but I am firm with the consequences of deliberate disobedience and tantrums.

Neither of us believes in corporal punishment.

Hmm...the main difference in our parenting styles, I suppose, is that my husband tends to react, while I am always planning, reading, and over-thinking.How is your parenting style different than your spouse's parenting style?
Well, I have a unique situation in that I have a child from my ex-husband and got remarried when my child was 3 1/2. My daughter lives with me and my husband, and sees her birth father twice a month on weekends.

My parenting style is far more consistent than that of my ex-husband. I am fair but firm, and if I say no I stick to my guns. My ex on the other hand will give in to whining and tears. So when my little girl comes back from her father's I have to undo the bad habits that she learns from him. He also doesn't make her clean up after she is done eating or playing (my daughter is now 5 1/2) but I do.
I was the hands on disciplinarian. He was the Disneyland daddy who got to break the rules and have fun then hit the road again while I dealt with the fallout.
parenting to me is being a teacher, guardian, guide and leader.

I take every opportunity to teach.

my job is to make sure my offspring can fly when they leave the nest.

we can be buddies later in life.

I've told my wife this many times... she is the best mother in the world from conception to weening the child. hands down. after that it all falls apart.

she is a more a friend or college roommate to her children. the only lessons she teaches are manners and grammar. she believes in kindness and equality until she's becomes fed up with the unruly behavior bred from not being taught to clean up or be respectful or anything.
my wife believes in sitting with the child to make sure that she(i have 2 daughters)does her home work, while i believe that the child should do it on their own and only if they have a problems with it and they have to ask for help and even so i would not give then the answer, but instead get them to focus on the question and understanding what is required and then asking them , then how they would solve giving them hints where required.

she would do their homework for them while i would not( as believe that they should answer for their decision not to do their homework, this is responsibility and doing their homework would defeat the purpose of it.)

i hope that this helped.

god bless,

the biggest difference is temper i'd say. my husband grew up in a home where they were always yelled at and spanked with a belt daily.

i grew up with virtually no spankings and very little yelling.

my husband is wanting to be quick to spank and yell(as this is what he was taught) so we have had to compromise, i do any spankings that need to happen(very few and far between) and he tries hard not to yell. i am able to ignore the small stuff easier than him. when he feels he is going to lose his temper he walks away and lets me deal with it.

this works well for us, and our children are doing great!
my husband likes to spank

I prefer timeouts

He wants to have 100% control

I think you should choose your battles
My husband is from a family of three boy's, I am the oldest and only daughter. My husband believes that children should not be made to do chores etc, and that this is the mother's responsiblity. He was raised with a stay at home mom (Italian) who would not let her boys raise a finger. I was raised that we all chipped in to make the house hold work. We do not yet have children so things may change at that point but we have discussed our parenting beliefs a number of times. I think that the nationality of the families plays a large role as well as birth order.

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